How To Apply
The Loan Application Process
The Credit Union will consider loan applications from members for all your needs. Each application is treated in the utmost confidence and will be considered on its own merits. It is credit union policy to meet the borrowing requirements of as many members as possible, depending on the available funds.
Our staff will give you any assistance required when making a loan application.

The Length of a Loan
The duration of loan can vary and generally, is linked to the purpose of the loan. For example, holiday and car insurance loans are normally repaid over one year. All other loans are usually repaid within 3 to 5 years. Home Improvements loans can be extended to a 10 year term.
Managing and Repaying Your Loan
Credit unions are flexible with regard to repayment plans, though there are some legal limitations to length and amount of loans. The member will be advised on the best repayment plan to meet their own circumstances. Members are generally advised to repay a loan in as short a time as possible. Should a member experience difficulties in meeting repayment commitments, they should immediately explain the situation to the credit union, which will treat the matter sympathetically and in total confidence. Depending on circumstances, the loan will be renegotiated if possible.
Remember - only members are eligible to receive loans from Swilly Mulroy Credit Union.